It is a common inflammatory skin disease that mainly affects the face, neck, chest and upper back. it is caused by an interaction between hormones, bacteria and sebum produced by the comedones (pimples), pustiles (lesions filled with pus) and occasionally CYSTS. This is possibly caused by changing hormone levels.
Mild cases may be eased by washing the face with a gentle toilet soap or by drying agents such as benzoyl peroxide. Severe acne may need oral treatment with antibiotics such as tetracycline or hormone therapy such as Dianette, which also acts as a Contraceptive.
Very severe acne can be treated using a derivative of Vitamin A, called tretinoin or Retin A. This cream is applied in each night and takes about 3 weeks to be effective. An oral version called Ro- accutane is very good against severe acne but carries serious risks of foetal abnormality during pregnancy.
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